Weekly and Monthly Giveaways are now active

Ok everyone, as promised, every Saturday we’ll be giving away a $10 amazon or PSN card and a physical game at the end of the month

Every Saturday, we will be sending out a $10 psn or Amazon gift card to a random person on our site or social media channels. Anyone can be a part. To take part, all you have to do is subscribe and comment on our social media channels or leave a comment on our website.

Every week, the winner will come from a different place. 1 week, it will be from here on the website, the next week can be Youtube, then twitch, etc.

As the site grows, of course, the gift cards will be of higher value.

***It’s worth noting that the gift cards are from North America. If anyone knows where to get gift cards from other countries/regions, please, by all means, leave a link because I don’t want any region to be left out. If anyone has questions feel free to leave a comment about it.

As for the monthly games, those will be given on the last day of the month. Unfortunately, right now I can only send within the U.S. until I find a trustworthy vendor that can help with sending internationally. So if you win and you’re from outside the U.S., I’ll have to send you the money equivalent.

NOTE: Please make sure your youtube and twitch subscriptions are set to public. That way, when we start doing the weekly and monthly giveaways we know who to send the rewards to


  • Awesome man! Thank you so much! Sorry I couldn’t get back in time, exams and what not.

  • @Hadcntn

    finally lol ok I’ll message you so we can get you your prize.

  • Thank you so much!

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