4 Sony Studios that should work on Marvel IP

For the most part, superhero games in recent years have been pretty good. Ever since the Batman Arkham series, a new standard has been set in the hero genre. Gone are those days were licensed hero games got a free pass to suck. This brings us to Insomniac. As we all know, Spider-Man 2 will be gracing the Playstation 5 this fall. Then you have Wolverine coming out at a later date. These are almost sure to be hits from Insonmiac. But we shouldn’t depend on Insomniac for all of our superhero needs. Now in this video, we’ll take a look at what Sony studios could/ should work on other Marvel properties. Unfortunately, we won’t mention ones like Iron Man or Black Panther as those are coming from EA. Nor will we be speaking on ones that are already available like Square Enix’s Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy. And at the very least, Marvel has shown they trust Sony with their IP so far. After all, they literally are allowing them to work on their two most popular characters in Spider-Man and Wolverine.

1 Sucker Punch x X-men

This pairing was made mainly because of the developer’s past hero experience with their own franchise, Infamous. For me, this pairing comes about because of the particulars of Sucker Punch’s experience. In Infamous, they’ve already dealt with characters with many different powers. Some characters even had more than one. So by extension, they’ve shown they can give attention to multiple characters with different abilities. Which would be an absolute must if they were ever to work on the X-men franchise. Now, in the franchise’s defense, most of the X-Men games have been good even before the superhero boom. But Sucker Punch can bring the franchise to the next level. So if you can’t have Insomniac take the project, having Sucker Punch handle the mutant hero team is a good alternative

2 Santa Monica Studios x Ghost Rider

Similar to Sucker Punch, this pairing too was made out of recognizing past experience. Now to be fair, this is something we’ve seen before as Ghost Rider had a game back in 2007 for the PS2. In fact, it was considered a God of War clone when it was released. And when you look at the old God of War games compared to Ghost Rider, the comparison is pretty accurate. Ghost Rider’s flaming chains even compare to Kratos’ Blades of Olympus. Now, unfortunately, even being a clone of an award-winning game wasn’t enough to keep that old PS2 Ghost Rider game from being average. However, if the masters’ of the formula took over the helm of the Spirit of Vengeance, we can see how they can do the Ghost Rider justice.

3 Guerilla Games x S.H.I.E.LD

As of late Guerilla has been focusing mainly on their Horizon franchise. But before that, they were mainly developing the Killzone franchise. And because of the diversity of their skill set, I think they’d be a good fit for Shield. Shield is Marvel’s premiere covert spy and black ops team that is tasked with saving the world through the shadows and covert ops. A Shield game should encompass elements of firefighting as well as stealth and RPG elements. Guerilla should have more than enough experience with the firefights from the various Killzone games they developed over the years. And they’re on a roll with their open-world RPG Horizon. So their extensive experience should make them a great fit for a Shield game.

4 Naughty Dog x Moon Knight

Originally, this character was seen as something to a Marvel version of Batman. Marc Spector was originally a man on the verge of his death in front of the statue of the Egyptian God Khonshu. In exchange for saving his life, he would gain enhanced senses and skills as well as become the representative of Khonshu on Earth. Now, this character is known for having superior fighting skills and multiple personalities. Due to the nature of the character, you’d need a developer that can drive home a good story. This is why I think Naughty Dog out of all of Sony’s Studios would be the best for for a Moon Knight game. With their experience with both Uncharted and The Last of Us, they seem like they’d be capable of writing for a character that has three totally different personas.

Now, these are just my thoughts on some studios that can work on Marvel properties. For the most part, I just looked at a studio’s past history and tried to match them to the IP that I felt best suited their skill sets. Now, I’m sure plenty of people will disagree and maybe even have better lists. But one thing is certain, if such a thing EVER happened, we can’t put ALL the work on Insomniac. Others should bear some of the weight too.


  • I never thought how good a Moon Knight game by Naughty Dog would be like, definitely would like seeing it happen

  • Ghost rider or a punisher game would be epic

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